Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Post e-learning activities

posted by Mr Johari

In this lesson you’ll learn the Properties of different types of quadrilaterals. You’ll explore it starting from earlier learning about polygons. The quadrilaterals always have 4 sides and in broad framework there are seven types of quadrilaterals that may be divided into two major groups i.e. parallelograms and other quadrilaterals. Also the interior angles of a quadrilateral add up to 360 degrees. The properties and related details will be explained in the contents presented by the instructor in own handwriting, using video and with the help of several examples with solution.
source winpossible

Task 1:
According to your assigned group post the properties of the Quad! rilateral assigned to you. The group will decide on the mode of presentation however you must follow the following:
  • clear and succinct
  • relevant
  • easy to understand
If you use a video, please also include a simple summary.

types of quadrilaterals

Human Proportions in Comics

Warning: Today features an open letter to comic book illustrators that discusses the female form. It also contains a nude drawing. If this subject makes you uncomfortable, you may want to skip today.

Dear Comic Book Illustrators,

I highly recommend that you take a figure drawing class at your local college or art museum. You will learn about the human skeletal system, musculature, and the skin that covers it all. Most importantly, you will learn about proportion. The reason I suggest this is because it appears to me that you really need to work on drawing the female form.

Yes, I know that comic book characters are often exaggerations of regular people, but why on Earth do you always have to exaggerate your female characters’ breasts? First of all, I’d like to point out that breasts are not perfect spheres. If they were, how the heck would they attach to the body? I know that if you’ve never seen a woman, and your roommate is modeling for you by stuffing cantaloupes down his shirt, you could easily make this mistake. Now, if you’ve already figured out that perfect spheres wouldn’t be able to connect to the human body, you’ll be able to make the next logical step by realizing that breasts are not perfect half spheres either. Take a class and look at some breasts so you know the correct shape.
(Drawing by Fanboy Wife from a figure drawing class.)

You can’t just observe the models’ breasts though because the instructor might think you’re a pervert and because you really need to focus on proportion. Proportion is an extremely important Design Principle. I want you to notice that women do not have breasts as big as their heads. See how the sizes compare to the rest of their bodies. Don’t argue with me and tell me that you don’t need proportion when drawing superheroes because they are supposed to be superhuman. Over exaggerated muscles on a male superhero are not comparable to over exaggerated breasts on a female superhero. Large muscles show his strength, whereas large breasts show som! ething else entirely. Unless you consistently draw all of your male characters with huge testicles, then your argument is not valid.

Additionally, if you’re going to draw very lean and muscular women, you need to understand that they have smaller breasts. Larger women tend to have larger chests. Breast size has a lot to do with body type and body fat. If you’re going to draw a skinny superhero, then stick to it. If you want a female superhero with a large chest, then you need to draw her larger in other areas as well. Besides, you should try to use a variety of body types in your comics according to Scott McCloud’s Making Comics. It helps the viewer tell the characters apart with greater ease.

Seriously, sign up for a class and learn to draw from real models. You need to have these basic skills down before you start exaggerating anyway. It will make you a stronger artist, it will add variety to your characters, and you might just stop alienating potential readers who would like to look at something other than monstrous breasts.

Fanboy Wife

P.S. Women who draw humongous breasts on all of their characters are not exempt from this advice, especially since they should know better since they have female bodies. Really, be a rebel and draw a variety of body types. You might pick up some female fans this way.

types of proportion

Vacancies in tutorvista - math floor tutors

Hi to All,

Tutorvista have openings for Maths floor tutors from Bangalore center office. Interested candidates can send there resume to jobs@tutorvista.com or rsridhar@tutorvista.com. As we have openings for maths floor tutor in count 40. Virtual tutors can also apply to this job.

Jobs responsibilities:

Tutors need to handle b to b sessions from US students. Only difference earlier tutors are handling demos through script and white board. In b to b session they need to handle sessions from both audio and white board work.

Rush hurry to become the part of Tutorvista. All the best.

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Can an Inversion Table help my Back Pain?

Yes, inversion is like traction. The DRX 9000 Spinal Decompression treatment is a much more advanced form of traction. In no way am I comparing the decompression to traction. Spinal decompression is really much different, it actually creates a suction effect at the disc level, helping to pull the discs back into place. Traction is simply a stretch which distracts the spine, opening it up.

I’ve had multiple patients that tried traction when they first injured their backs with no results. However, decompression ! did the trick, and relieved their back pain.

The reason I’m mentioning inversion traction is because there are times when it does give good results. What I have found is that once a patient is done with decompression, using an inversion machine periodically helps maintain patients low backs. Keeping your back maintained and healthy is extremely important. After doing DRX 9000 decompression you may be 100% and never need treatment again, but why take a chance? Many people use chiropractic, periodic decompression treatments, or an inversion table to maintain their back. It’s a smart thing to do and I highly recommend it.

Additional Reading Resources

CT Spine and Disc Center is located in central Connecticut- Specializing in patients who suffer from sciatica, disc degeneration, bulging disc or herniated disc in ! the lumbar spine. Call us at 860-633-8756 to see if you are a ! candidat e for non surgical spinal decompression

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Calculator Options

Talking Calculator
A few months ago, as part of a post on the free resources at Tripico I wrote about their online calculator which works with keyboard, mouse, mouse emulator (i.e. head or eye tracker, joystick) or two switches set to tab and enter. (A note about using tab/enter - typically you to mouse click once on a key on the calculator to start tab/enter working correctly.)

Here is a more complete list of online calculators with multiple means of access for our learners
  • MyCalculator is nice because there is nothing else on the page to distract our learners, however it is a little small on the page - works with mouse or ! mouse emulator, tab/enter switches. touch screen or interactive whiteboard, MetaCalc also has nothing else on the page to act as a distraction, has the same accessibility, but is larger.
  • Tripico Simple Calculator is a large, color coded calculator accesible through mouse, mouse emulator, touch screen, interactive white board or two switches set to tab/enter
  • PBS Kids Talking Calculator speaks each button as it is pressed - works with mouse or mouse emulator, tab/enter switches, touch screen or interactive whiteboard
  • Calculators for Free Visually Impaired Calculator is a large, black on white on-screen calculator - works with mouse or mouse emulator, tab/enter switchers, touch screen or interactive whiteboard
  • Ableside Primary has a very large on screen calculator that works with mouse or mouse emulator, touch screen or interactive whiteboard, it also works with tab/enter switches but the buttons do not tab through in a logical order so it takes some getting used to, but there is a great "click" noise that provides auditory feedback
  • Calcutype is switch accessible math word processor/calculator for more advanced users
Free Software Downloads
  • Big Calc is a large, on screen calculator accisible through mouse, mouse emulator, keyboard, alternative keyboard, touch screen or alternative keyboard
Other Free Options
Software for Purchase
  • Talk and Scan is a one switch solution from RJ Cooper for about $120
  • Dynavox/Mayer-Johnson sells CalcuScan a fully accessible, including single switch solution,for a PC or the Dynavox V for about $90
  • GoKeyTech offers software that both teachers and offers access to a calculator, which is fully accessible via all means including single switch, Calculator Tutor is about $40

solution set calculator


Here's the deal:  I'm working on curriculum for my school and Algebra 2 is making my eyes cross.  I think the major problem is the state of Virginia is in a transition year between "old" Standards of Learning (SOLs), and "new" ones.  This year is supposed to be the year that we're still teaching and assessing the old SOLs, but we're supposed to teach the new ones, too.  Those of you that teach Algebra 2 already know that there's an enormous amount of information to cover in a short period of time.  To give you context, our school teaches it as a semester-long block course.  There's only so much a brain can handle in one day, though! 

Here's the first draft of my skills list and structure...I'm not sure what to do about the old vs. new SOLs (my skills list is based on the old SOLs because that is what will be assessed).

Note:  Gray items are not included in old or new SOLs but might be necessary for student understanding
          Blue items are being taken out of the SOLs starting next year
          Red items are new to the SOLs starting this year

Unit 1 Algebra 1 Review/Solving Equations

1 Solve multi-step equations and inequalities
2 Matrix +/-
3 Solve compound inequalities
4 Solve absolute value equations
5 Solve absolute value inequalities

Unit 2 Polynomial Review/Add Depth

6 Factor trinomial a = 1
7 Factor trinomial a > 1
8 Factor special cases (sum/diff of cubes, diff of squares, perfect square trinomials)
9 Factor out GCF first (factor completely)
10 Exponent rules
11 +/- polynomials
12 Multiply polynomials
13 Divide polynomials

Unit 3 Rational Expressions

14 Identify undefined values
15 Simplify rational expressions by factoring and canceling out common factors
16 Multiply and divide fractions
17 Multiply and divide rational expressions
18 Add and subtract fractions
19 Add and subtract rational expressions
20 Simplify complex fractions
21 Solve rational equations

Unit 4 Radicals, Radical Equations and Complex Numbers

22 Simplify numbers under radical
23 Simplify monomials under radical
24 Multiply and divide radicals
25 Add and subtract radicals
26 Nth roots to rational exponents and vice versa
27 Simplify expressions with nth roots and rational exponents
28 Solve radical equations
29 Simplify square roots with negative terms inside radical using i
30 Add and subtract complex numbers
31 Powers of i
32 Multiply complex numbers

Unit 5 Functions (intro)

33 Domain and range of relations (from ordered pairs, mapping, graph, table)
34 Identify relations that are functions and one-to-one
35 Given graph and a value k, find f(k)
36 Given graph, find zeros
37 Given graph and a value k, find where f(x)=k

Unit 6 Linear Functions

38 Slope from graph, equation, points
39 Graph from equation
40 Equation from graph
41 x- and y- intercepts
42 Determine whether lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither from equation or graph
43 Write equations for parallel and perpendicular lines given line and point off the line
44 Graph linear inequalities

Unit 7 Systems

45 Solve systems of equations by graphing
46 Multiply Matrices using a graphing calculator
47 Inverse matrix method of systems
48 Systems of equations word problems
49 Graph systems of linear inequalities
50 Linear programming max/min problems

Unit 8 Functions (reprise)

51 Function math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
52 Function composition, find a value i.e. f(g(3))
53 Function composition, find the function i.e. f(g(x))
54 Find an inverse function by switching variables

Unit 9 Quadratics

55 Graph from vertex form, identify max/min and zeros
56 Solve by factoring
57 Solve by Quadratic Formula (including complex solutions)
58 Determine roots using the discriminant
59 Write equation for quadratic given roots
60 Quadratic systems
61 Polynomials: relating x-intercept, zeroes and factors
62 End behavior for polynomials

Unit 10 Exponential/Logarithmic functions

63 Exponential growth or decay from function
64 Sketch base graph of exponential/log functions
65 Exponential to log and vice versa
66 Data analysis/curve of best fit for linear, quadratic, exponential and log

Unit 11 Transformations and Parent Functions

67 Graph absolute value functions
68 Horizontal and vertical translations of linear, quadratic, cubic, abs value, exponential and log
69 Reflections and stretching of linear, quadratic, cubic, abs value, exponential and log
70 Combinations of transformations on parent functions
71 Identify parent graphs of parent functions
72 Identify equations of parent functions

Unit 12 Conics

73 Identify a conic from graph
74 Identify a conic from equation

Unit 13 Variations

75 Write equation for direct, inverse and joint variation problems
76 Find the constant of variation

Unit 14 Sequences/Series

77 Write n terms of an arithmetic sequence
78 Find the sum of a finite arithmetic series
79 Write n terms of geometric sequence
80 Find sum of geometric series
81 Use formulas to find nth term
82 Identify sequence/series as arithmetic, geometric or neither

Unit 15  Statistics

83 Determine probabilities associated with areas under the normal crve
84  Compute permutations and combinations

If you made it this far, here's my call for help:  Anyone have advice/suggestions for how to make this work and/or a better way to organize the information into cohesive units that seem to occur in a somewhat logical order?  There is and will continue to be an emphasis on function families and transformations (as there should be).  I find it difficult to express on paper how each function category needs to be a resting place, but they are all connected in the ways that transformations apply.  Any ideas?
...oh...and I'm going to be teaching one section of deaf students and one section of blind students...in case that makes a difference

**edit:  I've added links to the old and new Virgina SOLs for Algebra 2 if anyone's interested**

simplify complex fractions calculator

Parallel lines cut by a transversal

Today we looked at the resulting angles when parallel lines are cut by a transversal

Assignment: worksheet 3-2

parallel lines cut by a transversal worksheet

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THIS JUST IN: A Male Astrologer Finds Jessica Simpson Attractive (Also: Weight-Loss Tips)

I was in the middle of my usual exercise routine (which consists of surfing the Net while lifting a slice of pizza) when I came upon this article about how the "fashionistas" are picking on Jessica Simpson because of her recent weight gain.

(Fashionistas, for the record, are apparently citize! ns of the country of Fashionistan, where no one is allowed to look at real women, ever.)

Jessica has apparently "ballooned" all the way up to a size twelve, from her size one a few years ago. For those of you unfamiliar with how American dress sizes work, it's like this: an average healthy adult woman is usually anywhere from a size five to a size sixteen. By way of comparison, if you visit your nearest Chinatown, you'll probably find a shop where the ducks have been hanging in the window too long, until they've become an orange jerky-like substance. Those ducks are a size one.

Just as astrology can be applied to almost everything in life, it can be of tremendous use when trying to lose weight. I've never had a client come to me exclusively for help with this, but the matter comes up surprisingly often in consultations. Although the details will be individual to every person, there are a number of astrological guidelines that generally apply.

First of all, forget about your Sun Sign. Although it can be! an infl uence, I've seen too many chubby Aries and slim Tauruses and such to know that the Sun Sign should be, if not the last place to look, then low on the list. Unless, of course, you have Leo Rising or Leo on the sixth house cusp, which your Sun would rule.

Your Moon is a much more reliable indicator as to body weight. Even so, one should be cautious of too many generalizations. In other words, if you have Moon in Pisces (for example) you aren't automatically prone to emotional overeating. Depending on the aspects to your moon, that placement could just as easily lead to emotional under-eating.

A more reliable indicator of weight is the Ascendant: its sign placement, planets aspecting it, and the condition and placement of the planet ruling it. The Ascendant also rules your general appearance, posture, coloring, and a lot of other things people don't like about themselves that they can't change.

The most important thing to keep in mind when tryin! g to lose weight with astrology is not so much the birth chart, as the planetary transits happening to it at any given time. Even a perfect diet and exercise routine (if there were such things) could go wrong if you started them at the wrong time.

The best time to start a weight loss routine is when Mars is transiting either the First or Sixth House of your birth chart. The First House starts at your Ascendant, and the Sixth House (which rules diet, health, and routines) is almost on the opposite side of your chart from the First House. Since Mars makes it around the Zodiac in about 18 months, this means that, most of the time, your "diet transits" can last for at least a month and a half. For most people's purposes, that's more than enough time to get a new habit ingrained.

Weight loss is also often the surprisingly good side of a Saturn transit. A supportive aspect to the Ascendant and/or Sixth House ruler can be of tremendous help when it comes to a! pplying self discipline, and an aspect to your natal Venus or ! Jupiter can curb impulsive eating, overeating, or your fondness for snacks.

An astrologer who knows what they're doing can help you time when to commence a new diet and/or exercise regimen, and can help you understand what factors in your birth chart are helping or hurting the situation.

Perhaps the single most important thing to keep in mind is this: On the one hand, the fashion industry has dictated for about the last fifty years or so that "underfed" is a good look. On the other hand, biology has dictated for about the last million years that having a little "excess" weight is an attractive thing. It indicates good health, a plentiful supply of resources, and the means to bear and raise children (in the area of extra boob and bum matter).

And besides, if most straight males are honest with you about it, they'd prefer a woman with a little excess weight over one who's underweight. Unless of course you're trying to catch a man who takes all his advi! ce from fashion magazines... in which case, your relationship may have much larger problems than just your dress size...



male body type chart

Distance formula - Part II

Continuing from my last post, where I told you that the distance between two points can be determined by finding the length of the hypotenuse of the right angle triangle formed from the two points.

We already know that to find the length of the hypotenuse, we apply the Theorem of Pythagoras, which says that c^2 = a^2 + b^2. (The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the remaining two sides). So from this, then, we see that we need to determine the lengths of the two sides that we have created by extending lines through our points to join at a right angle. And to find these lengths, all we need to know are the coordinates of our ! 2 points!

For a general triangle, then, we have something like this:
To find the horizontal length, it is just the difference between the two x-coordinates (ie. x2-x1). Think of it as taking a stick that is x2 units long, and chopping off a length of that stick that is x1 units long. The stick that you are left with, x2-x1, is the length of our horizontal side.

The same reasoning applies to find the vertical length, which is the difference between the two y-coordinates (ie. y2-y1). One comment I will make here, is that since we are talking ab! out a length of a side, the length has to be the absolute diff! erence b etween the two points (ie. you can't have a negative side length).

So then, for our general triangle, we have our 2 lengths, and let's call the hypotenuse "d" (as in, the distance between the two points).
So then, if we apply the Theorem of Pythagoras to this triangle we have created, we can come up with the distance formula very easily!

c^2 = a^2 + b^2...... which we can change to read:
d^2 = (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2

And so we have:

d = sqrt [(x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2]
Let's quickly try with 2 points. You can draw the triangle out as I have above to follow along more closely. I will just do the quick calculation for you though.

Find the distance between the points (1,2) and (3,5).

d = sqrt [(3-1)^2 + (5-2)^2]
d = sqrt [(2)^2 + (3)^2]
d = sqrt [4 + 9]
d = sqrt [13]
And that's all there is to it. I hope that I've been able to clearly explain how to derive the distance formula. Once you know where a lot of these formulas come from, you'll never have to worry about memorizing them again! :)

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MNPS Launches Gradebook to link Parents to Teachers via Internet

Serving on the citywide Parents Advisory Council prior to being elected School Board Member for District 6, enabled me to participate in many discussions that ensured parents and teachers connected on issues that would bridge communications and improve every childs success. For years MNPS has been meeting with the parent group to determine how best to address the current needs around communication. Many families have two parents working and to make numerous meetings is simply too difficult in many household! s. Lance Lott who is MNPS Chief Technology Officer has introduced a online program called Gradebook to begin communications online with all teachers, administrators and parents. It is being piloted in six schools i.e.
Glencliff High School, Hillwood High School, Stratford High School, Bailey Middle School, Bellevue Middle School, and Madison School. With the recent meeting with Mayor Karl Dean at Antioch High, parents expressed the need for better communication to know how their child is doing and to not have to rely on a piece of paper hopefully making it home so that they would know their childs! progres s and where to help.
The communications tool is ParentConnection, part of the Gradespeed.NET suite of products
from Campusware, LP of San Antonio, TX. With the tool, parents can also set up e-mail or text alerts for important news regarding their child’s performance.
Lance Lott states that "The system has security safeguards to ensure parents can only view
the information for their sons and daughters, and it gives parents the ability to check records from home, work or any location with internet access.”

You can log onto https://gradespeed.mnps.org/pc/Default.aspx to see the initial log on screen that parents, teachers a! nd administrators will use.

This will roll out to the Antioch cluster soon as well as throughout the county. I will keep you posted as to when this will occur.

gradespeed mnps

Math online tutoring

i used to be a Math whiz when i was young. seriously, i was an excellent student in Math. i often competed in inter-school quiz bees as our school's representative. my parents were very pleased because they didn't need to hire a tutor for me. most students my age then had difficulty understanding the lessons in Math, and i do recall having to teach my classmates in their assignments. it was harder for students back then to actually get the help they need in comprehending the lessons.

good thing K-12 students can now get online tutoring so their lives will be a lot better when dealing with the much-dreaded subject. 5th grade Math has become easier, and so is 4th grade Math. 5th grade Math may be tougher than it looks, but with the proper online tutoring tool, students can excel in this subject, too. before they know it, adding fractions will just be a piece of cake.

online tutoring is not only great for 4th and 5th graders, but also for K-12 students who take up Algebra 2. yes, a lot of people may find Algebra 2 difficult but good thing help is now available to those who find it challenging. i know formula for volume and graphing linear equations can seem daunting, but there is hope now that online tutoring is within one's fingertips.

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20 Free Online Education Resources for Middle School Students

It seems like many of the educational sites around the web were created with either the elementary student or the college student in mind. But there are a number of sites that would be of interest to students in the middle school grades. Here are 20 to explore throughout the summer.

Shmoop - Shmoop offers an excellent collection of fun and lively study guides created by teachers and education experts. The site provides guides to literature, bestselling books, poetry, Shakespeare, U.S. history, civics, music, economics, and more.

BJ Pinchbeck Homework Helper - Cre ated in the 1990s by nine-year-old BJ Pinchbeck, this small online reference has evolved into a comprehensive research site with hundreds of homework help links. Some of the topics covered on BJ Pinchbeck Homework Helper include art, computer science, English, foreign languages, health, math, music, science, and social studies.

Learn Out Loud - Learn Out Loud provides an extensive directory of free audio books, lectures, speeches, interviews, and other educational audio and video resources. All of the materials within the directory ! can be downloaded as mp3 files or streamed online.

Whyville - Whyville helps middle schoolers learn about art history, science, journalism, civics, and economics through exploration and communication. As Whyville citizens, students can play games, chat with friends, and much more.

Fre! eRice.com - This UN World Food Program site teaches civic responsibility while quizzing visitors on everything from English grammar and vocabulary to chemical symbols and pre-algebra. For every multiple choice trivia question that site visitors answer correctly, the UN donates ten grains of rice to help feed the hungry.

Book Adventure - Book Adventure is a free online reading program that welcomes children in grades K-8. The goal of the program is to get kids to ! read more and improve reading comprehension. Site visitors can use the site to create their own book lists, get reading recommendations, take quizzes on books they have read, and earn points and prizes for reading efforts.

Bookwink - Created for students in grades three through eight, Bookwink publishes short audio podcasts and videos designed to get kids excited about reading. The site offers book recommendations by subject, grade level, author, or title.

Read Print - Read Print is a free online library that contains thousands of novels, poems, plays, and stories in the public domain. Site visitors can search for books by author, title, or genre.

Book Builder - Middle schoolers who visit this site can create, publish, and! share their own digital books online. They can also read free digital books created by other people.

WritingFix - Sponsored by the Northern Nevada Writing Project, Writing Fix provides a place for young writers to improve their craft. Site resources include free prompts, lessons, articles, and other writing resources.

Math Playground - This site is intended for elementary and middle school students. Site visitors can play math games, solve logic problems, watch math videos, and much more.

Lure of the Labyrinth - Created specifically for middle school students, this free online math game guides students through a digital labyrinth of math-based puzzles. Players must solve pre-algebra problems to save their missing pet and win! the game.

GeoEdu - GeoEdu is an atlas and an educational game that helps players learn geography. The game contains more than 100,000 questions and allows players to choose from multiple levels of play.

ARKive - ARKive is a lively science site devoted to the conservation of endangered species around the world. Educational resources include news, photos, videos, article, reference materials, and more.

Artopia - Designed for middle school students with an interest in visual and performing arts, this site displays important works of art and allows users to build their own portfolio of artwork. Artopia users can also critique art, watch movies, and view student art.

Stage'D - Stage'D is a free online tool that can be used to create animated comics. New backgrounds and animations are constantly being added.

iLike - iLike has combined music with social ! media to create an application that connects music fans with t! heir fav orite artists. iLike can also be used to share music and learn about new artists.

Glogster - Glogster makes it easy for middle school students to get creative and express themselves through posters. Site users can create their own online posters using text, images, music, and video.

Twr! ivia - Twrivia combines trivia with Twitter. A new trivia question is posted each day. Twitter users who answer the question correctly and quickly can earn a place on the site's leader board.

FreeDocumentaries.org - This site streams popular full-length documentaries and educational films. No download or registration is required.

Guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Karen is the About.com Guide to Business School. She also writes about pharmacy technician training for PharmacyTechnicianCertification.com.

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Free algebra worksheets

Usually algebra textbooks provide lots of problems to practice the algebraic concepts and techniques, but some of you may still benefit from resources for free (or mostly so) printable algebra worksheets. Please see the list below, which I've originally compiled for my HomeschoolMath.net site.

Algebra worksheets

Worksheet Builder
Great and free worksheet maker software with nearly 7,000 built-in algebra and geometry questions.

Free Algebra Worksheets from KUTA Software
Free worksheets (PDF) for equations, exponents, inequalities, polynomials, radical & rational expressions and more.

AlgebraHelp.com worksheets
Interactive worksheets that are checked online for most algebra 1 topics.

Math.Com algebra worksheets generator
Generate worksheets for: linear equations, systems of equations, and quadratic equations.

LessonCorner worksheets
These free worksheets include a few topics such as calculations with polynomials, factoring, and graphing lines.

Algebra Fun Sheets
Worksheets that integrate algebra skills with fun activities including sudoku, word finds, riddles, color patterns, crosswords, games, matching cards, etc. A subscription is required.

About.com Algebra Worksheets
An assorted collection of free algebra worksheets and answers. These pages are not very well organized, but they have lots of worksheets.

Algebra Worksheets from MathWorksheetCenter
Lots of worksheets for over 100 algebra topics. A few are free; most are accessible only by one-year a subscription.

A few fun algebra worksheets
These are for graphing linear equations and linear inequalities.

Online Math Work
Free multiple-choice worksheets for pre-algebra and algebra 1 topics. You can do them online, or copy to a word processor to print.

Lastly... my own algebra worksheet collections, which aren't free but there are many free samples:

Algebra 1-A worksheets cover Algebra 1-B worksheets cover Math Mammoth Algebra 1 Worksheets Collection
A two-part collection (A and B) of 137 quality algebra worksheets covering all the topics in a typical algebra 1 curriculum. These worksheets are hand-crafted and contain lots of word problems and other variable problems. Free samples available. $11.50.

Summer Math Program

free online algebra help

arithmetic progression

Let us learn about arithmetic progression

An Arithmetic progression which consists of the sequence & the terms except the 1st can be obtained by adding 1 numbe! r to its preceding number. Arithmetic progression is denoted as the arrangement of 2 consecutive numbers, the progression which is constant. Sequence of numbers such that the difference of any 2 successive members of the sequence is a constant

If a, b, c are in A.P then prove that (a–c)2 = 4(b2 – ac)

Solution: a, b, c are in A.P

b – a = c – b = common difference

2b = a + c

4b2 = a2 + 2ac + c2 (Squaring both sides)

4b2 – 4ac = a2 – 2ac + c2 ( Subtracting 4ac on both sides)

4(b2 – ac) = (a – c)2 ( Taking 4 common)

In our next blog we shall learn about math practice test Free I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

free geometry help

Pan balance problems to teach algebraic reasoning

Today I have a "goodie" for you all: a free download of some pan balance (or scales) problems where children solve for the unknown:

Just right click on the link and "save" it to your own computer: Balance Problems (a PDF). This lesson is also included in my book Math Mammoth Multiplication 2 and in Math Mammoth Grade 4 Complete Worktext (A part).

The problems look kind of like this:

These can help children avoid the common misconception that equality or the equal sign "=' is an an operation. It is not; it is a relationship.

You see: many students view "=" as "find the answer operator", so that "3 + 4 = ?" means "Find what 3 + 4 is," and "3 + 4 = 7" means that when you add 3 and 4, you get 7. To students with this operator-view of equality, a sentence like "11 = 4 + 7" or "9 + 5 = 2 × 7;" makes no sense.

You might also find these resources useful:

Balance word problems from Math Kangaroo

Algebraic Reasoning Game - a weighing scales game that practices algebraic rea! soning

Interactive Pan Balance with Shapes

A Balanced Equation Model from Absorb Mathematics
An interactive animation illustrating solving the equation 4x + 6 = x - 3. Drag the green handles to balance each side. Click the arrow button to reset the animation. On the right side, you'll see links to similar animations of equation solving using a balance.

balanced equation calculator

Rational Roots of a Quadratic Equation

Here is an interesting excursion to try; take a quadratic equation that you know has rational roots, and then permute the values of A, B, and C through all possible variations. What is the probability that they would ALL have rational roots?

For example, you might try 2x2+7x + 3, which has roots of -1/2 and -3. If you switch to 2x2+3x + 7 there are no real roots at all. In fact, four of the six permutations have imaginary roots, and only 3x2+7x +2 also has rational roots.

If instead, you had used x2+3x - 10 (roots at 2 and -5) you would find three other permutations had rational roots, 3x2+x -10, -10x2+3x + 1, and -10x2+1x + 3 . The other two permutations have real irrational roots.

What happened with the choices you made for A, B, and C (you DID do it didn't you???).
Several quest! ions pop up...

Is it possible for All six of the permutations to have rational roots?

Both my examples have an even number of the permutations that have rational roots. Is it possible that the number of permutations with rational roots could be odd?

Is it possible that a choice of A, B, and C would have two permutations with rational roots, two with irrational roots, and two with imaginary roots? (sort of the ultimate root trifecta)

The answer to the first question is yes, in fact, I can prove (and you probably can too) that if we select A, B and C so that A+B+C = 0, then all six permutations will have rational roots. The roots will be rational if b^2-4*A*C is a square of a rational, so we can substitute -(A+B) for C and see that (B,2-4A(-A+B)=B2-4AB+4A2=(B-2A)2... An unresolved problem at the moment, which I will have to play with some, is whether this works both ways. ! Is it possible that all six permutations have rational roots ! when A+B +C is not Zero??? (please advise if you get this before I get back to it..)

I like the second question because it can be solved with a simple appeal to symmetry. Since B2-4AC is equal to B^2-4CA, exchanging A and C will always produce the same value for the discriminant (B2-4AC). So the number of permutations which have rational roots will always be even.

For the Third, I resorted to a computer search and the first I found was with the values of 1, -4, and -5. x2-4x-5 has rational roots, x2-5x-4 has irrational roots, and -4x2+x-5 has imaginary roots.

quadratic equation

A Team Fortress 2 Win Probability Calculator

I believe I have the major errors worked out on my Team Fortress 2 Win probability calculator. It is now up as a live beta. Give it a shot. It should work in all modern browsers.

As I mentioned in my introductory post, win probability is calculated by comparing the current game situation to past games where the same situation occurred. For example, if you punch in Blue losing a scout and Red losing a demoman at the mid-fight, the calculator reports the probability that Blue caps mid is 55% and the probability that Blue wins the entire round is 61%.

It arrives at those numbers by looking at the historical data. In all the matches in the dataset, it finds all the mid-fights where one team was down a scout, and the other team was down a demom! an. That particular situation occurred in 109 mid-fights. The team trading their scout for the enemy demoman ended up winning 60 of those mid-fights, and 67 of the rounds those mid-fights started. It is interesting to observe that the impact of the scout-demo trade is only 5%. The impact of the trade on the round win probability is 11%. This would seem to say that the demoman is more important after the mid-fight than during it.

What if Red wipes at mid? The calculator reports 100% chance of Blue capping and 100% chance of Blue winning the round. This certainly agrees with our intuition about how the game plays out. But 100%? Doesn't that say that it's impossible for Red to come back? The problem is a small dataset. In the dataset that I have, every time Red wiped, Blue won. That's why I also added a margin of error calculation.

Similar to the margin of error on a pollster's poll, the margin of error term is an indica! tion of how confident we can be in the results, given the numb! er of da ta points we had to work with. On the last example, the margin of error is 31% at the 90% confidence level. 90% confidence means that there is a 90% chance that the true odds of one team coming back from a wipe at mid is less than 31%. If a 31% margin of error seems huge, it is. Most polls of the kind you would see in a newspaper have 2-5% margin of error. A 31% margin of error means we only had a handful of cases in the dataset where one team completely wipes at mid. Compare that to the full strength numbers. Since every round starts out as a full strength battle, we have much more data to work with, and the margin of error is just 2%. But even with a 31% margin of error, the result agrees with our experience in this case: wiping on mid is bad, and you're likely to lose the round. Coming back from a wipe at mid is a rare event, and there's not enough data right now to get a better estimate.

The calculator is colorblind. Every calculati! on looks at both sides of the map: if Red is pushing last and Blue is down a scout, the numbers automatically include the times when Blue is pushing last and Red is down a scout. This is probably the most useful behavior for comparing situations and possible outcomes.

The only issue is that it doesn't show Blue's slight edge. In current dataset, Blue wins 53% of all mid-fights. Blue has the edge at mid on Badlands, Granary, and Freight. Only Follower bucks this trend, with Red winning 56% there. 53% is the same kind of edge we've been seeing ever since Valve published their stats. Your guess is as good as mine why Blue has an edge, but it certainly seems to be real.

At the time of this writing the dataset is 187 matches from #tf2.pug.na. Special thanks to Cinq for sending me the log files. I'm always looking for more data. Margins of error! will naturally decrease with more data.

probability calculator

Beginners C Programming Lab Assignments(Square root of a number without using Built-In Function)

Square root of a number without using Built-In Function


void main()
 double n,g1,g2;
 int flag=0;
 printf("Enter the no.: ");
 else if(n==0)
The root of %6.4lf is",n);
                cprintf(" %6.4lf",g2);
The root of %6.4lf is",-n);
                cprintf(" +/- %6.4lf i",g2);
The root of %6.4lf is",n);
                cprintf(" +/- %6.4lf",g2);

Square of a number

Add Fractions

In this blog we are going to learn about add fractions.

Fraction is a number that can represent part of a whole. The earlier fractions were reciprocals of integers: ancient symbols representing one part of one, one part of four, one part of four, and so on. "vulgar" fractions still used today And which consist of a numerator & a denominator.To get more knowledge on fractions than try to take help from online help with math.

Mathods how to Add Fractions –

They can write the fractions as

Example 1: 6 can be write as [6/1] or [12/2]

Example 2: 3 can be write as [3/1] or [ 24/8]

Example 3: 1 can be write as [1/1] or [7/7]

Example 4: 22 can be write as [22/1] or [66/3]

The examp! les show how to add the fractions.

The general formula to add the fraction is [a/b+c/d = (ad+bc)/(bd)] .

Next time we will solve some problems on add fractions.

One more thing i would like to say you that now a day you can take online help for any concept like free pre algebra help,free math help,free online geometry help etc.Try to take the benefits of that free help site and make most of it.

Answers to add fractions

#6 Math error discussion (Coordinate Geometry)

A question was asked in the pre board examination from the chapter Coordinate Geometry which was the application of distance formula.

Show that the points A(1,7) , B(4,2), C(-1,-1) and D(-4,4) are the vertices of a square.

Most of the students did the following...
There are two types of errors in this solution.
First one is a calculation error, 25+9 is not 36.
The second one is a conceptual error. It is important to note that when you are asked to prove that given 4 points are vertices of a square then you need to show that AB=BC=CD=DA and lengths of both the diagonals are equal i.e. AC = BD.

Remember this!!

coordinate geometry help

Slope calculator

In this blog we are going to learn about mathematics concept slope.
Slope: -It is the measure of a line which is inclined in relation to the horizontal.
Slope of any line in geometry means the ratio of vertical to the horizontal distance between any points on it.
Meaning of Slope of a line tangent to the graph in differential calculus is given by the particular functions derivatives & represents the rate of modify of the function with respect of modify in the independent variable.
In a graph of a position function, the slope of the tangent signifies an objects instantaneous velocity.
Point Slope Forms: -
Point Slope is the technique of representing or plotting an equation on a graph paper on an x-y axis. It is used to take a graph & find the equation in a specific contour.
The equation for Point Slope Form is given below: -
Here is the example of how we can find the slope.


Find the slope from the given equation, y = 2x + 4


Here, the equation is given in slope intercept form,

y = mx + c

Where, m = slope

y = 2x + 4

m = 2.

The answer is 2.

This is just an example on find slope.Next time we will see slope calculator.Before knowing slope calculator,going through slope worksheet you should know about slope.
Also you should know the concept of ogive,as its a equally important concept in math.

centroid formula

Introduction to Integral Theory: Operating with All Windows Open to be Offered this Fall

The Madison Integrals are truly excited that one of our founding members, Tom Christenen, has taken on the task of designing and offering an exciting new course this fall. "Introduction to Integral Theory: Operating with All Windows Open," will be a 12-week course, offered Tuesdays, 3:30-5:30pm, starting Sept 7th (location still TBD). The course will be offered through OHRD, but also has a 2 credit option, Biology 675, offered through one of our members, Prof. Teri Balser.

Check out the complete course description and registration information, and sign up!
See a note from Tom below


Dear Friends,

Yours truly is teaching the following course this Fall at UW-Madison: Introduction To Integral Theory – Operating with all windows open. The class is topped out at 40 seats, and I’d love to have it full of those eager to stretch, discover and create. If you have interest it can either be taken for 2 credits, if you are enrolled at UW, or you can take it for no credit, in which case the class is free.

Who should consider this course? This course will provide all the elementary and introduction distinctions, so it’s ideal for those curious about Integral and its applications. This material will be provided from a perspective I have not offered before, nor have I seen it done this way in any other context. So, those with any level of sophistication in Integral will find the course eye opening and useful also. Seasoned Integrals who join the class will be asked to do some coaching with the newer initiates from time to time.

What is Integral? If you need a quick peek at what Integral is, consider these terms: Multi-dimensional thinking, multi-perspectival, integrating complementary points of view. Additional intro links can be found here www.tomcintegral.tumblr.com .

What areas can Integral be applied in? This class is ideal for adding perspective in almost any area, and certainly the following: Interdisciplinary studies, ecology, political science, international relations, human resources, management, sales and marketing, parenting, human development, cultural development, educational policy, neurological development, hospice care, nursing, medical practice, urban planning, governmental policy making, and the fine arts.

Here are more details, and where you can find new information as I post it. This is also where you will find a link to register for the course. I hope I see you there. http://www.tomcintegral.tumblr.com/

BTW, it’s a lot of ideas, always directed to application.

There are many who merit this: Thanks for the help getting here.

Be well – Tom C.

Problems on Integrals

Syllabus for 2010-2011 Pre-Algebra, HW1

8th Grade Math Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Courington
Room: B8
Google Voice Mail: 205-508-0064
Email: acourington@blountboe.net

Welcome to 8th Grade Math at Locust Fork High! I anticipate a fun-filled and exciting year of learning. I look forward to working with you and your family. I want you to have a successful year in Math so you can continue to succeed in all aspects of education! Please read every item in this syllabus and share it with your family. Both you and your parent/guardian need to sign the bottom and return it to school to be placed in the front of your math notebook. This is homework assignment #1 (HW1).

Class Description
This course reviews some previously learned material. However, I am excited to teach you new concepts that you have not seen before! A large portion of the material taught this year will be tested on the Alabama High School Graduation Exam. It also provides a good foundation for Alg! ebra, Geometry, and other courses you will take in the next four years!

Approximate Scope and Sequence
First Nine Weeks: Chapters 1 through Chapter 4 Section 4
Second Nine Weeks: Chapters 4 Section 5 through Chapter 6
Third Nine Weeks: Chapter 7 through Chapter 9
Fourth Nine Weeks: Chapter 10 through Chapter 12

Student Expectations
Each day students are expected to have their own
·Writing Utensil that works (blue/black pen or wooden pencil- No mechanical pencils allowed.)
·Math Notebook (Must be a separate notebook with no other subjects in it)
·Textbook (Their assigned book)

Classroom Rules
·Be respectful
·Be responsible
·Be resourceful

Grading Policy
100 – 90 A
89 – 80 B
79 – 70 C
69 – 60 D
59 and under F

Class Grading Weight
30 % Homework/Classwork
50! % Test/Quizzes
20 % Notebook

Hom! ework: Students will be assigned homework problems for reinforcement of mathematical topics being discussed. Homework should have your name, date, page number from the textbook, and the problems being assigned. It must also have the homework number written in the bottom right hand corner. Example: HW1 is your Syllabus. So, your syllabus will have HW1 written in the bottom right hand corner. There will be a master list displayed in my classroom with the date and assignment on it. Work must be shown on your homework/classwork. Failure to show work will result in a zero. Homework assignments are generally worth 20 points. Late homework will not be accepted if you were present the day the work was turned in.

Test/Quizzes: Quizzes will be given to break up long chapters with difficult topics. Tests will be given after each chapter is completed. Work must be shown and completed on all quizzes and tests.

Grade Reporting: Grades are available online for s! tudent and parent viewing. The school provides midterm reports in the middle of each grading period. Also, report cards are issued at the end of each nine weeks (4 times per year).

Classroom Behavior: Respect for everyone in the classroom and their property should be maintained at all times. Behavior that distracts you or others from learning is not acceptable. Students should be in assigned seats unless otherwise instructed. Students will not be permitted to go to their lockers or the restroom during class except for extreme cases.
There is a desk in the back of the room with tissue, GermX, and pencil sharpeners. You may get up to use these items at any time without asking if we are working on homework/classwork. Please, do not get up for any reason during a test without permission.

Notebook Grade: At the end of each nine weeks, I will choose five random homework assignments (from that nine weeks) and ask you to turn them i! n. This will count as your notebook grade. If you are absent! during the notebook check, you must turn in your entire notebook (each missing assignment will be deducted an allotted amount of points). Helpful Tip: If you did not receive credit for a homework assignment, you may still complete the assignment to get notebook credit!

Absences & Tardies: Regular attendance at school is extremely important! Please do what you can to be at school every day. Any missed work because of an excused absence will have three days after your return to school to be turned in. Work should be turned into the filing box beside my desk in the appropriate period’s folder. Be sure to get your missed assignments the day you return to school from the master list in my classroom or ask a friend. If you miss a test, it is your responsibility to make sure you set up a time to take the test. After three days of not setting up a time to take your test, you will be given a zero. You will receive zeros for all work assigned or taken up on the day ! of an unexcused absence. After three tardies to my class you will be given detention before school. If the problem persists other disciplinary actions will be taken.

Extra Credit: Extra credit will occasionally be possible for the entire class. However, I do not provide extra credit opportunities to individual students.

Textbooks: A math textbook will be assigned to each student for the school year. The books should be brought to class each day. If someone borrows your textbook and damages it, you are responsible for paying the damage fee! Do not loan out your textbook.

Calculators: Calculators will be available for use in the classroom when deemed appropriate. Please, do not bring your own personal calculator.

First Offense: Warning/Student Conference
Second Offense: Writing Assignment/Disciple Page
Third Offense: Contact Parent/Guardian and Additional Discipline Assignment/Silent Lunch and/or! Break
Fourth Offense: Detention, Contact Parent/Guardian! , and Di scipline Assignment/Silent Lunch and/or Break
Fifth Offense: Administrative Intervention/Office Visit

All behavior/discipline incidences are documented by Mrs. Courington and initialed by the student in a notebook.

Mrs. Courington’s Office Hours
My prep period is from 7:57-8:47. I am available for meetings before school, during my prep period, or after school. Please contact me if you’d like to meet so I can make our appointment a priority. My email is acourington@blountboe.net

Mrs. Courington’s Website/Blog
I will try to update my website/blog each day with your homework assignments. However, please do not rely on this as your way of remembering your homework or assignment. The web address is http://couringtonclassroom.blogspot.com

Extra Help (At home practice)
The textbook is available online at http://al.pre-alg.com

Click on the red link with the textbook next to it (the ! link says Online Student Edition). To access the online textbook you will need a user name and password. The user name is PREALG05AL . The password is 5af8kase . To select a certain page in your textbook use the Page Navigator. Then, click on the page you’d like to access. You may want to write this information down at home incase you leave your book at school one day. There are also quizzes, extra notes, and worksheets available on this website. This website goes directly with your textbook and is a great resource!

Parenting Day
On October 11, 2010, the school will be open from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM for parent meetings. I hope you will make plans to come!

Semester Exams
At the end of each semester, Semester Exams will be given over a three-day period. My exam will cover items that you have seen all year. Make sure you keep up with your notebook from each nine weeks to help you study. A study guide will be given to help you re! view the material.

Supply List
Paper, Wooden P! encil or Blue/Black Pen, Hand Pencil Sharpener (that catches the shavings), Notebook/Folder (If you purchase folders, please purchase an extra folder as they fall apart more easily than binders. No spiral bound notebooks or bulky binders with zippers please.)

Wish List (I would LOVE any of these items. Off brand or opened box is wonderful!)
Hand Sanitizer, Band-Aids (without medication), Roll of Paper Towels, Ziplock Bags (any size or brand), Garbage Bags (for kitchen size garbage can), Tissue/Roll of Toilet Paper, Hand Held Pencil Sharpener (that catches the shavings)

We have read and discussed the syllabus.

Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________

Parent Signature ____________________________________________ Date __________

pre algebra homework online